5 types of virtualization defined
Application Virtualization This is a process where applications get virtualized and are delivered from a server to the end user’s device,...

How to avoid common VoIP problems
Poor call quality Complicated and frustrating management of the VoIP system Negative on-hold experience for customers You’re likely aware...

Can Your Business Survive A Disaster?
As we all know, unpredictability is a fact of life. The aftermath of Tropical Storm Bill in Texas and recent floods in South Carolina are...

5 must-have Office 365 apps for your business
When an enterprise purchases certain Microsoft Online services such as Office 365, there is usually a Microsoft Partner of Record that is...

The true story of an SMB attacked by hackers
Last holiday season, Rokenbok Education, a small, California-based toy company of seven employees realized its worse nightmare. During...

Simplifying business intelligence
Earlier this week, the Chicago-based company, Narrative Science, integrated with the business intelligence and visualization software...

More to social media value than meets the eye
ocial media is important for your business and it can have a great deal of value for your company if utilized correctly. Of course...

5 tips for a productive home office
One of the major concerns that business owners have when allowing people to work from home is the limited amount of control they have...

Do this to avoid the Windows 10 upgrade
If you’re like many people who are happy with their current Microsoft operating system, you may have no desire to upgrade to Windows 10....

Top YouTube marketing tips
Keep it short and simple Most people have short attention spans and won’t watch videos that are longer than a couple of minutes unless...